🧩 Life's a Game: The Case for Solo Time

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The Power of Solo Time


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A few months ago I decided to switch all my courses and community from Kajabi to Mighty Networks and someone recently said to me "I had no clue you had all of this!". The Mighty Networks team handled the entire migration (a service they have for anyone on another platform!) and my entire business looks more professional and upsells are easier than ever. If you're ready to start a community - definitely check out Mighty Networks!


Let's talk about all the roles you play in your life:

  • To your colleagues you are their coworker or boss.
  • To your parents you are their child.
  • To your friends you are their outlet.
  • To your partner you are their support.
  • To your kids you are their everything.

We play so many roles for others every day of our lives.

So now I’m going to ask you a tough question:

Who are you independent of these roles?

If we stripped away your work, your relationships, your responsibilities…..

➡️ Who would you be?

➡️ What what you do?

➡️ Where would you go?

After my divorce I struggled to answer these questions.

  • I had been someone’s wife for over 11 years.
  • I have been someone’s mom for 7 years.

And yet one day, my kids with their dad for the weekend, I sat staring blankly at the wall unsure of what to do.

This is when I decided to meet myself again.

I took my first ever solo trip to Europe to hike the Swiss Alps.

Was I scared? Yes.
Did I feel ridiculous spending on myself without my kids? Also yes.

But guess what happened?

I had the time and space to remember who I was and what I liked.

I had the novelty to spark new ideas and direction for what I wanted for my life.

I stepped away from the roles I played for others and got to meet myself again.

I made a promise to myself that every year I would take a solo trip.

A trip void of ANY responsibilities or plans….or roles I need to play.

It can be as small as a weekend getaway to a local hotel in my town.

Or as a big as a week to another country.

This year I'm headed somewhere for a weekend in June (taking suggestions!).

Whatever magnitude, it requires the 5 elements below.

So if you are struggling to answer any of the above questions - it might be time to take a little solo trip.


These are the 5 elements of a powerful solo trip that helps you understand who you are when no one needs something from you.


#1: Intentional Disconnection

This trip is about disconnecting from the noise of daily life and creating space to hear your own thoughts.

Resist the urge to check emails, slack or create to-do lists.

​#2: A New Environment

It doesn’t have to be far, but it should feel different.

Whether it’s a quiet cabin in the woods or a bustling city you’ve always wanted to explore, a new setting allows you to see yourself from a fresh perspective.

​#3 Unstructured Time

Resist the urge to over-plan.

This was the hardest one for me but the magic of a solo trip is in the moments of serendipity—when you decide to sleep in, wander aimlessly, or sit in a café for hours just people watching.


#4 Personal Reflection

Bring a journal, a book that resonates, or even just an open mind. Use the time to ask yourself those tough questions: Who am I? What do I want? What truly makes me feel alive?

​Here’s a link to some questions that will help you. ​


#5 Pure Joy

Whether it’s a highly rated restaurant, exploring a hobby you’ve neglected, or watching the sunrise in solitude, make sure this trip includes at least one moment purely for your own joy.

Allow yourself to soak up every minute as you reprogram your brain to remember your joy matters just as much as everyone else in your life.

How many of you are going to take a solo trip this year?!

Let me know!!



Thank you for reading!

I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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