🧩 Life's a Game: My 5 Rulers of Life


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My 5 Rulers of Life


Quick Spin:

  • End of Year Reflections
  • My 5 Rulers of Life
  • Your Turn: Look for an exercise within each ruler

Reminder....I’ve been sharing the road to $50k MRR in 6 months with Level Up Creators.

Today we are in the home stretch.

So, did we do it?

Did we get me to $50k MRR?

Join us for a FREE live webinar on Thursday, December 12th at 1pm EST where we break down all the tests, user journeys and funnels that got us to where we are (and get the final numbers!!)

​Click here to RSVP for the webinar (and get the replay after)​


It’s the last month of the year.

A month I reserve for slowing down and reflecting....

for ritual and celebration.

In a recent journaling session I started to ask myself:

“How do I know if I’m living the life I want to be living?”

So I jotted down a list of things that signal to me I’m on the right track and wanted to share them with you.

I've summarized these thoughts into 5 Rulers of Life to ensure I’m living the life I want in the long run, not just the short run.

My 5 Rulers of Life

Ruler #1: Micro Joys

Joy and happiness are not the same thing to me. Happiness is a long term, macro emotion and perception. You can be upset in a day but happy with your life.

Micro joy, on the other hand, is about finding the beauty in a day.

I know my life is on the right track when I can spot and appreciate micro joys despite the chaos of the day.

That first sip of coffee? Joy.

The ability to speak to people all around the world with a click of a button? Joy.

Watching my son twirl his hair when he gets sleepy? Joy.

The nightly search for my daughter’s blankie that seems to magically disappear? Joy.

When I stop seeing, acknowledging and pausing to appreciate these micro-joys throughout my day - I know my life is getting off track.

Your turn: Name 3 micro joys from your day today.


Ruler #2: Emotional Elasticity

As someone who has gone through infertility, divorce, single parenting and a lot of other tough times, I can confidently say: life is full of curveballs.

My second ruler for if my life is on the track I want it to be is what I call “emotional elasticity”.

In economics price elasticity is the measure of how much the quantity demanded of a product changes when its price changes.

  • If demand is elastic, a small change in price will result in a large change in the quantity demanded. This typically happens with non-essential or easily substitutable goods.
  • If demand is inelastic, even large changes in price have little impact on the quantity demanded, often seen in essential or unique goods.

When shit hits the fan in my life, I want to remain as centered as possible.

I want my emotional reaction to be appropriate for the situation.

Tip: if your emotional reactions are quite elastic (small changes in your day create large changes in your emotions) then this is a sign to check in with what emotions are piling on together.

It may actually be unresolved anger, resentment, anxiety, fear, etc from a younger version of yourself.

Your turn: Think about the last emotional swing you had. Ask yourself - how much of it was honestly due to the present moment?


Ruler #3: The F word

Life can really life sometimes. We keep on the hamster wheel of wake up - work - family - bed.

And as you become an adult, time with your friends (partner included) can turn into a series of to-do lists, challenges and trauma unpacking.

But then I watch my kids.

Their time with their friends is chock full of laughter.

What is it about adult responsibility that adds a weighted blanket of seriousness to our lives?

I want my life to be full of laughter and smiles.

To be full of fun.

If I can’t recall the last time I laughed hard with a friend or partner, then it’s a sign we need to break out of our rhythm and allow ourselves the freedom to laugh until we cry.

Your turn: When was the last time you laughed hard with a friend or partner?


Ruler #4: Tired Puppy

When we first got a puppy, a trainer said “don’t forget, a good puppy is a tired puppy”. If the puppy was tearing up the couch or biting a lot, then it’s a sign they need more exercise.

If I can’t focus during the day or fall asleep at night, it’s usually a sign I didn’t move my body enough.

It’s the ruler I use most often.

Feeling super unfocused? Walk 15k steps and see how you feel.

Feeling super agitated? Lift a lot of heavy things and see how you feel.

Unable to slow your brain down at night? Wake up early and go for a run. Watch how quickly you fall asleep the next night.

Your turn: Where has movement been prioritized and how do you feel it’s impacting your energy, mood and ability to focus?


Ruler #5: The Hug Test

So many studies show the power of a hug.

Long hugs can have several positive biological effects due to the release of certain hormones and the activation of calming pathways in the body.

Things like:

  • Oxytocin Release
  • Reduced Cortisol Levels
  • Lower Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
  • Endorphin Release
  • Increased Serotonin and Dopamine Levels

I know my life is off track when I rush a hug from a loved one. It means I’ve built a life where urgent, unimportant tasks are distracting me from meaningful connection to the people I love.

Your turn: I challenge you to hug someone you love today and see if you are able to sit in it for a moment. Allow yourself to really feel it.

I hope these Rulers help you go deeper in your end of year reflections.

Let me know which one resonates!




Thank you for reading!

I appreciate you so so much!


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🧩 Life's A Game

2x Founder | Brand Builder | Creator | Investor Featured in Forbes, Ad Week, Poosh, The Skinny Confidential Over 110,000 people follow Amanda to learn how to get the most out of life. Single mom x3 Teaching Productivity to emerging Leaders via Morning Brew

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